OouFM - powerfull software to control FM tuner



OouFM is a win32 program that allows you to control Aztech/Packard-Bell FM tuner adapter.


OouFM screenshot

Last version 1.2

download OouFM.zip (240Kb)

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If you have "bummzzzz" on change station or MUTE problem.

In this program I use VolumeControl library without source code. They works different in different computers :(. If you have problem with MUTE or change station - try to select other VOLUME CONTROL in OPTIONS dialog. In my home computer PC SPEACKER is valid value.

PS: If you have freeware Delphi3 library or source code on any language to control master or line-in volume - please mail me.

Hint for all Packard-Bell FM tuner users:

This tuner-card go without any electromagnetic shields. Perhabs its a reason of some noise. If you have noises you will make shield from foil and paper (or any other dielectric) to protect tuner. Connect foil and computer body. You must be chary - exclude contact between foil and any part of card or motherboard. By this method I remove noise from "SBC" and "Radio Maximum"-stations in my own city.

Hint example

Other resources:

Other radio card software
